Prayer & Praise Night THIS THURSDAY!

There will be no life groups this week. Instead, we will be holding our monthly Prayer & Praise night!

When: 7:30PM, Thursday 12th September
Where: Iron St Hall (27 Iron St, North Parramatta)

We will be spending our time in worship through song and in corporate prayer. All are welcome to this event - wherever you may be in your prayer life! We look forward to seeing you there!

SG Parra Admin
Upcoming Women's Breakfast

On Sunday, we announced our upcoming Women’s Breakfast, which will be on the topic of Untangling Emotions.

Our dear friend and sister Rachel Pettett will be giving a talk on what God’s word has to say about our emotions and how to find Jesus in the mess of our emotions.

We hope you can join us for this time of fellowship, food and teaching!

When: 8:30-10:30am, Saturday 5th October
Location: 27 Iron St, North Parramatta
Cost: $5pp
RSVP: Rebs at (by Sunday 29 Sept)

SG Parra Admin
G2G Alpha - We need your help!

Dear Church Family,

We are excited to be holding our two remaining G2G Alpha Youth series instalments on Friday 27 September and Friday 25 October 2024. 

The G2G leaders are reaching out to our church family looking for volunteers who are willing to bless our youth by providing some food and snacks for the remaining two sessions.

If you enjoy cooking, serving, or coordinating meals, we’d love to have you be a part of the team by helping in this capacity.

If you’re interested in helping or want more information, please get in touch with Richie ( Let’s work together to make this Alpha series a blessing for our G2G children!

In Christ,
The G2G Leaders

SG Parra Admin
Two Fresh Songs This Sunday
  1. We Receive

This Sunday we will sing a new song, “We Receive” from the latest Sovereign Grace Music Album. It’s a wonderful song celebrating the gospel through the Lord’s Supper.

Check it out here:


Beautiful Savior
Fullness of heaven
Though we have nothing
Here we receive

Jesus, You call us
Now to remember
You were the offering
For all who believe

You laid Your life on the table
Broken like bread, poured out like wine
We sing what a wonderful Savior
Jesus our King, all that You give we receive

Pardon and blessing
Life everlasting
Mercy unmeasured
How can it be?

You are the Giver
Faithful forever
Help us to treasure
All we’ve received

For the price You paid
We pour out our praises
For this feast of grace
We thank you, Jesus

2. O God Of Mercy Hear Our Plea

This is a lament song groaning for our future glory and redemption


O God, we’ve seen Your faithfulness
You brought us from the wilderness
But now our faith is frail and weak
O God of mercy, hear our plea

When will You comfort our distress?
How long until the promised rest?
We cry to You from deepest need
O God of mercy, hear our plea

Abba, Father, our Redeemer
In this barren land be our hope and strength
Until glory we will trust and sing
Abba, Father, hear our plea

We join creation’s longing groan
To take Your ransomed children home
For then the eyes of all will see
The God of mercy hears our plea

Music and words by Brittany Born and Matt Merker © 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise/BMI (adm. by Integrity Music) Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All rights reserved

Riley Spring
Communion This Sunday

Once a month (usually the 1st Sunday of the month) we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Communion). This is a chance for us to rehearse the gospel afresh, reminding ourselves of our sin but even more our great saviour! At our church we encourage children to wait to take communion until they have been baptized.

Think of baptism as the front door of the house and communion as the family dinner table. We first come through the front door and then dine at the table. Baptism signifies you have died to your sin and have been spiritually raised with Christ awaiting the final resurrection into glory. This is a picture of our union with Christ. The Lord’s Supper signifies our fellowship and peace with God through Christ. This is a picture of our communion (fellowship) with him. So for kids who profess Christ, although it may be sincere, we want them to consider baptism seriously before eating at the table.

Riley Spring
Father's Day RECAP!

We enjoyed a great Sunday this past weekend, honouring the fathers and father figures in our church! We also had the joy of seeing little Liam Punzalan being dedicated before friends and family. It was a fabulous day of celebration and fellowship that we had the privilege of enjoying together as a church family!

SG Parra Admin
Sunday 15 Sept - SG Parra Turns 5!

In a couple weeks’ time, we will be celebrating our 5th birthday as a church!

It will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate God’s faithfulness to us over the last five years. We will also be celebrating baptisms and holding a Pizza Lunch at Doyle Park after the service.

Please feel free to invite your friends and family for this special occasion!

When: 10AM Sunday, 15th September (coffee and tea served from 9:30!)
Where: Parramatta East Public School

We look forward to celebrating with you!

SG Parra Admin
Deacons Planning Day

The deacons and the pastoral team will be meeting this Saturday, 7 Sept for their second planning day for 2024. Please be praying for them as they meet to plan for the next 6months - into next year!

Things to be praying for:

  • Clarity of vision for the next 6months

  • Godly wisdom as they think through ideas and plan

  • A spirit of unity within the group

We look forward to what God will do in and through this time!

SG Parra Admin
G2G: This Friday - Alpha Youth Begins!

G2G will be on this Friday 30 August, 6-8PM! It will be held at 27 Iron Street, North Parramatta.

No parent participation is required this month.

However, we will be beginning our Alpha Youth series this week! Please be praying for the youth of SG Parra and any friends who come along - that God would work powerfully as the Gospel is presented to them.

SG Parra Admin