Sunday 15 Sept - SG Parra Turns 5!

In a few weeks’ time, we will be celebrating our 5th birthday as a church!

It will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate God’s faithfulness to us over the last five years. We will also be celebrating baptisms and holding a Pizza Lunch at Doyle Park after the service.

Please feel free to invite your friends and family for this special occasion!

When: 10AM Sunday, 15th September (coffee and tea served from 9:30!)
Where: Parramatta East Public School

We look forward to celebrating with you!

SG Parra Admin
Annual Survey!

As a church we really want to grow!

We not only want to see more people come to faith and join our community but we also want to grow to better reflect our Lord Jesus!

So this year we’re starting a new tradition. Each year, around this time, we’re going to start taking some time out to try and take our pulse as a church.

The survey is anonymous, takes around 6 min to complete and covers areas from your personal growth, to our community and mission. We would love it if you could please take a moment to fill it out - we would love to hear from you!

SG Parra Admin
New SG Parra Shirts - Last Chance to Order!

Dear Church family,

On September 15th, Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta will celebrate its Fifth year anniversary. We are excited to announce that each member, including your children, will receive an updated SG Parra shirt as a gift. A special shout out to Leanne for designing the shirt.

It’s our way of saying thank you for being an integral part of our church family and for your ongoing support and dedication.

Please fill out the form (see link below) by THIS Thursday 22 August, to ensure we have the correct size for everyone. It's crucial that everyone registers their size so we can place our order in time for this celebration. We have attached sizing charts below for your reference (Men’s = Staple Tee, Women’s = Maple Tee)

If you have any questions, please contact Richie (


SG Parra Admin
Update from the Serics!

Hello SG Parramatta,

We've been in America now for a little over a week.

Our journey over to the US was a long one: after a 15 hour flight, we were delayed in Dallas, being placed in accommodation overnight, but we arrived the next day and were warmly welcomed by some of the Pastoral College (PC) students. 

When we went to sign the lease for our apartment it was not suitable, so we had to wait for another replacement to be made available (Monday 12th). I share this because the generosity of Sovereign Grace Louisville was shown as a lady from the church allowed us to stay in her home until our place was ready. Other moments of Gospel generosity have been shown: church people providing meals, gift cards, practical assistance (such as moving furniture), overall warmth and hospitality.

Now that we're settled into our lovely apartment, we're excited to start our US routines; such as Amaliah continuing with school, Jamie and I have found a gym (CrossFit Bluegrass - named after the famous grass of Kentucky, which apparently can look 'blue' from certain angles). 

We went to our first Sunday church service and it was great but nothing compared to our home of SGParramatta (we miss you all!). 

I've started some pre-classes; like Christian productivity and Greek, and will have orientation late next week. 

This photo shows our family with some of the other families doing PC at a welcome BBQ hosted at the Kauflins' home. 

In Peace,

Joel, Jamie, Amaliah and Tobias

SG Parra Admin
Life Groups are On This Week

Life Groups are on this week!

Life Groups are so vital for us as a Church as they allow us to take the joy of Sunday and work out in smaller communities where we can know each other more deeply and help each other out more personally. We hope that this time together with your group blesses you!

Your LG leaders will send you all the information you need for this week.

Riley Spring
New SG Parra Shirts - Order Now!

Dear Church family,

On September 15th, Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta will celebrate its Fifth year anniversary. We are excited to announce that each member, including your children, will receive an updated SG Parra shirt as a gift. A special shout out to Leanne for designing the shirt.

It’s our way of saying thank you for being an integral part of our church family and for your ongoing support and dedication.

Please fill out the form (see link below) by Thursday 22 August, to ensure we have the correct size for everyone. It's crucial that everyone registers their size so we can place our order in time for this celebration. We have attached sizing charts below for your reference (Men’s = Staple Tee, Women’s = Maple Tee)

If you have any questions, please contact Richie (


SG Parra Admin
Prayer & Praise Night THIS WEEK!

Our monthly Prayer & Praise night is coming up THIS week!

When: 7:30PM, Wednesday 14 August
Where: Iron St Hall (27 Iron St, North Parramatta)

We will be spending our time in worship through song and in corporate prayer. All are welcome to this event - wherever you may be in your prayer life! We look forward to seeing you there!

SG Parra Admin
SG Kids Workers Training: This Sunday

SG Kids is an integral part of our church’s life and it wouldn’t be possible without the countless volunteers who give up their time, energy and resources to serve the next generation!

Part of what makes this all possible are our biannual training nights - the next of which is coming up THIS SUNDAY 18 August, 3PM at 27 Iron Street, North Parramatta.

If you serve in SG Kids, please lock in this date for our first kids workers training night of the year. More details to come. Attendance at these training sessions is a crucial part of serving in kids, so please make it a priority to be there.

SG Parra Admin
SG Parra Socials

As announced on Sunday, we are currently in the process of trying to freshen up our socials and to keep a steady flow of content coming through our Facebook and Instagram pages. Something new that’s recently been introduced is a mid-week mini devotional reel on a verse or a topic that Riley will take us through. We are also hoping to use our socials as a place to update people on what’s been happening or is coming up in the life of our church.

We would love it if you could share our social accounts (see below) with friends and family to get the word out there! We hope that this new content might be a blessing to anyone who might come across it.

Facebook: @sgparra (
Instagram: @sg.parra (

SG Parra Admin