Baptism Sunday + Baptism Class

Our next Baptism Sunday will be on 15th September on our 5th Anniversary Celebration as a Church during the service.

If you’re interested in getting baptised, we will be holding a class on Sunday the 18th of August at 9am in one of the kids classrooms. This will be an opportunity for you to find out more about what we believe the Bible says about baptism and why it is a significant moment in the life of a Christian.

If you’d like to sign up for the class, please contact Riley at

SG Parra Admin
Baptism Sunday + Baptism Class

Our next Baptism Sunday will be on 15th September on our 5th Anniversary Celebration as a Church during the service.

If you’re interested in getting baptised, we will be holding a class on Sunday the 18th of August at 9am in one of the kids classrooms. This will be an opportunity for you to find out more about what we believe the Bible says about baptism and why it is a significant moment in the life of a Christian.

If you’d like to sign up for the class, please contact Riley at

SG Parra Admin
SG Kids Workers Training: 18 August

SG Kids is an integral part of our church’s life and it wouldn’t be possible without the countless volunteers who give up their time, energy and resources to serve the next generation!

Part of what makes this all possible are our biannual training nights - the next of which is coming up on Sunday 18 August, 3PM at 27 Iron Street, North Parramatta.

If you serve in SG Kids, please lock in this date for our first kids workers training night of the year. More details to come. Attendance at these training sessions is a crucial part of serving in kids, so please make it a priority to be there.

SG Parra Admin
'Christ Our Captain' - SG AUS MENS CONF 2024

Mark your calendars, clear your schedule, and register now for the Men’s Conference, 18-19th Oct!

The theme for the conference is ‘Christ Our Captain’ and we have the privilege of having Pastor Eric Turbedsky from Sovereign Grace Church of Orange make the trip out to teach and help us to orient our lives around Christ and his mission. The aim is for the men of our churches to gather for an extended time of fellowship, worship and also some stupid fun!

Register here, more details here or just click the pictures.

Riley Spring
G2G Alpha - Join us in praying for our G2G.

Dear Church Family,

Over the next few weeks, our youth will be stepping out in faith by inviting their friends to our G2G Alpha Youth series. As they take this bold step, we want to support them with the most important thing we can offer - our prayers.

To do this, we’re looking for volunteers who are willing to commit to praying for and alongside our youth. This isn’t an endeavour that is separate or removed from what our youth are doing, but in praying for them, we are joining with them in their mission, contending for them as they reach out to their peers, and asking God to move mightily in their lives and in the lives of their friends.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Commit to pray: We’re asking that you commit to pray for the youth that you’ve been assigned throughout the weeks to come as they invite their friends to G2G Alpha

  2. Pray specifically: We’d love for you to pray for specific children by name and their prayer points

  3. Encourage and support: Let’s also encourage these young hearts. A simple word of encouragement can mean the world to a child stepping out in faith.

If you’re willing to join us in this, please email: and we’ll send you the prayer request.

Let’s rally around our kids and be expectant for the great things God will do in the hearts of our youth and those they invite to G2G Alpha!

- G2G Leaders

SG Parra Admin
Prayer & Praise Night NEXT WEEK!

Our monthly Prayer & Praise night is coming up next week!

When: 7:30PM, Wednesday 14 August
Where: Iron St Hall (27 Iron St, North Parramatta)

We will be spending our time in worship through song and in corporate prayer. All are welcome to this event - wherever you may be in your prayer life! We look forward to seeing you there!

SG Parra Admin
'Christ Our Captain' - SG AUS MENS CONF 2024

Mark your calendars, clear your schedule, and register now for the Men’s Conference, 18-19th Oct!

The theme for the conference is ‘Christ Our Captain’ and we have the privilege of having Pastor Eric Turbedsky from Sovereign Grace Church of Orange make the trip out to teach and help us to orient our lives around Christ and his mission. The aim is for the men of our churches to gather for an extended time of fellowship, worship and also some stupid fun!

Register here, more details here or just click the pictures.

Riley Spring
Why Should You Live For Jesus?

On Sunday we focused on Romans 6:15-23 and saw that we should live for Jesus as slaves of God because:

1) The only other alternative is to be a slave of sin (v.15-16)

2) He is the one who set us free! (v.17-18)

3) He has called us to! (v.19)

4) The reward is eternal life. (v.20-23)

An application question:

What is one realistic step toward obedience you could take this week to live for Jesus?

Perhaps make this your prayer:

“Take my life and let it be
Consecrated Lord to Thee
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise


Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee

Take my love my Lord I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store
Take myself and I will be
Ever only all for Thee
Ever only all for Thee”

(Take My Life - Garage Hymnal)

Riley Spring
Farewell Morning Tea for the Serics This Week!

This is the LAST Sunday before the Serics head to out to the Sovereign Grace Pastors’ College in Louisville Kentucky. We’re going to miss them so much!

As a way to bless and honour them, we will be holding a special morning tea on their final Sunday after the service. We would love it if you could bring something to share as we celebrate and farewell the Seric family.

When: Sunday 4 August (after the service)
What: Pot-luck Morning Tea - bring please a plate to share! (Please bring label for your dish and specify if it is gluten/dairy free. We also ask that anything you bring be nut-free.)


SG Parra Admin