
Discover how you can find your place in our Church family.

How to connect with our Community?

  1. Visit on a Sunday

The easiest way to connect and find community is to come on a Sunday. You’ll be warmly greeted and have a chance to experience our worship, our community and…our coffee! There’s room for you! And if you have kids we have room for them as well in our dedicated Kids Program.



2. Find Out More About Jesus

If you are not yet sure about believing in God or following Jesus, we want to help you figure that out. We have a variety of things we do to assist you:



3. Explore Starting Point

As a church, we are a family and a team. We invite our guests to join us by becoming members of our family. In order to do that, every term we run a newcomers course called ‘Starting Point’. Starting Point is designed for those who already follow Jesus to help you figure out who we are, what we believe, and whether you want to jump in and become a member of our church. Starting Point begins with a Sunday afternoon tea at the Pastor’s house and then the course runs for 3 weeks in a row, 8.45am before our worship service.

Our Starting Point course runs once a school Term

“Starting Point introduced us to the mission statement and values the church held. The program grew our faith and gave us a further understanding of the Gospel. Questions we had were answered honestly and made space for genuine conversation. It was a great experience and insight into the daily workings of the church.” Adam + Hanna



4. Visit A Life Group

"I am so thankful to the Lord for this fellowship I get to have with this set of people every week. I am blessed to have life group friends who are ever ready to pray for my struggles. Life group friends care, encourage and are always there to remind each other of God's love and grace in our lives." Sharon

The Christian life was never meant to be just 'Jesus and Me', but 'Jesus and We' and so we seek to genuinely practice doing life together as a family. Life Groups give us the opportunity to build relationships, study the Bible and cultivate fellowship with around 12-20 others in our community.

All Life Groups are hosted by a husband and wife team and take place in their home. They kick off around 7.30pm and are spread throughout Parramatta + beyond. Visit a Life Group and you’ll experience the ‘special sauce’ of our church. To get a feeling for what we believe about Life Groups you can read a chapter from Paul Tripp’s excellent book, ‘Broken Down House’ on ‘Pursue Community’


Other Ministries You Can Connect with

SG Kids

We have a fun and safe kids program for children 6 months old to Year 6.

The laughter and noise of children is an awesome part of our Church. One of the ways God has blessed us is with a number of great kids in our church who love learning about God and hanging out with each other!

We believe that learning should be an engaging and fun experience. God is not boring and we don't want our kids to think that He is, and so we have a program for all ages, that includes all the things that kids love - games, crafts, teaching, and music, all housed in a fun and informal environment.

We have four rooms available for different aged children:

  • Discoverers (ages 6month to 2 years): this group runs throughout the whole service

  • Adventurers (ages 2 years to Pre K): this group runs throughout the whole service

  • Explorers (K-2): this group begins in the service for the songs, prayers, and notices, and leaves before the sermon with their Leaders.

  • Conquerors (Y3-6): this group begins in the service for the songs, prayers, and notices, and leaves before the sermon with their Leaders.

SG Kids is fully staffed each and every Sunday with qualified workers.

We look forward to meeting you and your kids this Sunday!


G2G - Youth


Generation to Generation (G2G) is a parent-youth program run by Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta for school age children in Year 5 - Year 9. It runs fortnightly on a Friday evening (6-8pm), and is held at our church offices, 27 Iron Street, North Parramatta NSW.

G2G aims to win the next generation for Jesus. We do this by having awesome older leaders, encouraging parents to be actively involved, and for the youth to explore faith whilst building friendships. There is no religious background required. We would love to invite you to join us!


Playgroup + Ladies Coffee Morning

During school terms on Friday Mornings, there is a group of ladies who gather for Coffee and hanging out one week and then they run a play group the week after at 27 Iron St. For more info reach out to Rebecca.


Men and Women’s Ministry

We live in a time where understanding and living out healthy masculinity and femininity is confusing. We aim to redeem a biblical vision of manhood and womanhood so that we all thrive in the way God has made us.

Our Men’s and Women’s ministry has two key elements:

1. Growth Groups:

Currently we meet monthly in ‘Men’s Growth Groups’ and ‘Women’s Growth Groups’.

2. Events:

We also have Men’s and Women’s events (breakfasts, dinners, etc), and a bi-yearly conference.

Sign up to our ‘News’ to get the details as to when they are upcoming.


 The Bridge Course

The Bridge Course is a way to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening environment over ten weeks.

We ask some big, important questions, that are uncomfortable to chat about unless you’re in a trusting and caring environment, questions like:

Is Jesus the only way?
Is Christianity really worth it?
Can we really trust the Bible?
Why does God allow suffering?

There's no pressure, and no one will force you to believe anything. And the whole thing is free!

Why don’t you consider trying Bridge? Or if you know someone who needs this, let them know!


Serving Teams

One of the best ways to feel a part is to play your part. We love helping people find their gifts and use them. We have amazing men and women serving as leaders, coordinators, and players in many different spheres. Here is a sample of some of the ways God could get you involved:

  • Worship + Music Team

  • Set Up/Pack Down Team

  • Coffee Team

  • Hospitality Team

  • Mercy Team

  • Walk Up Evangelism Team

  • 14:1 Ministry Team

  • PA/Projector Team

  • Operations Team

  • Teaching/Preaching Team

  • Life Group Leading Team

  • Website/Social Media Team

  • Photography/Videography Team

  • Creative/ Events Team

  • …you tell us what you’d love to see happen!


Want To Connect?

If you want to let us know you are coming on a Sunday or contact our pastor Riley Spring for more information, please fill out the form below or email him at