Joy to the World | Christmas 2019 | Riley Spring

Responding with the shepherds, angels, Mary, wise men, king Herod and many others to the glorious birth of Jesus: the birth of God’s great rescue mission for those who acknowledge their desperate need. Joy or offence, but no room for ambivalence…

Riley Spring
Portraits of Grace | Ephesians 2:1-10 | Riley Spring

In this message Riley unpacks the story of every christian, a story of grace from beginning to end. We see that Paul paints our picture with the darkest possible backdrop to shine the brightness of the glories of God grace in saving us!

Riley Spring
A Sign of the Times | John 2:1-11 | Glen Jones

In which we find it wasn’t about the wedding it was about the wine. Glen Jones shows us how in John 2:1-11 Jesus’ first sign renewed his people’s hope and points all who believe in him to certain hope for the present and for the future. All as promised in scripture and unlocked by Jesus when finally ‘his hour had come’.

Riley Spring