SG Aus Marriage Retreat 2025 - EARLY BIRD Rego!

If you haven’t yet heard, SG Aus will be holding a Marriage Retreat next year - 28-29 March!

Whether you’re sending up an SOS in marital rescue or looking to foster an already flourishing reality, the aim of this retreat is to serve you and your marriage well, by bringing you together.

We’re doing an early bird price of just $60 per couple (usual price $75) for those that get signed up by the end of 2024.

With extended time for fellowship, worship, teaching and fun, we’re eager to see you there!

Hope you can join us!

You can read more about it and sign up here:

SG Parra Admin
Subscribing to the Church Calendar

As the new year approaches, here’s your friendly reminder to subscribe to the church calendar if you haven’t already done so! This will help you stay up to date with important events within the church.

For iPhone users:
If clicking on the link below doesn't do the trick, then try this on your phone:
Settings > Calendar > Accounts > Add Account > Other > Add Subscribed Calendar > Paste link. Repeat for each calendar.

For Android users:
Follow this quick tutorial to subscribe to each calendar:


Wednesday LG:

Thursday LG:

Sunday LG:

If you have any problems subscribing to the calendar, contact Rebs at

SG Parra Admin
No Life Groups during School Holidays

There will be no groups during the school break. This extended break may be a great opportunity to book in time to catch up with your group members, or even those outside of your group!

Life Groups will recommence in February!

We hope and pray that you are enjoying a restful break!

SG Parra Admin
Annual Church Survey 2024

We’re excited to share the highlights of our recent Annual Church Survey and express our gratitude to everyone who participated. Your insights are invaluable in helping us grow together as a community and fulfill our mission of knowing, applying, and proclaiming the glorious gospel of Jesus.

Your responses are helping us refine and strengthen our vision as a church to be a place where every person can thrive in their walk with Christ.

Thank you for being part of this journey. By God’s grace, we are building something beautiful for His glory.

If you missed the survey or have additional thoughts, we’d still love to hear from you - reach out anytime!

Richard Song
The Bridge - Who Should You Invite?

As you’ve noticed, we’ve been promoting our upcoming Bridge Course a lot lately! This is because we want to help as many people as possible come along so they can engage with the great content of this course and make relationships with members from our church.

But who should you invite?

The secret to The Bridge is that it contains all three main elements of evangelism:

  1. Gospel proclamation

  2. Relational connection and love

  3. Corporate witness - where they see Christians loving and serving and worshipping.

The benefit of this is that it means it's got a broader appeal and each facet can affect people differently. So you can invite:

  • Someone who is brand new and is really investigating the faith

  • Someone who has a Christian/church background but hasn’t ever had saving faith

  • Someone who has lots of questions

  • Someone who is skeptical

  • Someone who is a baby Christian and needs solid answers to big questions

  • Someone who knows a lot but doesn’t know many Christians or hasn’t ever experienced true Christian community

Who could you bring to Bridge?

Want to watch a video of someone who has been to Bridge and had their life changed?

Riley Spring
Sign Up: Women's Summer Book Club!

We will be holding our Summer Book Club again in January of 2025!

This time, the ladies will be going through “True Feelings” by Carolyn Mahaney & Nicole Whitacre; a book about ‘God’s gracious and glorious purpose for our emotions’.

We are hoping to run the study one night a week throughout January. We will be keeping it casual, so you’re welcome to come along to one, some or all of the weeks based on your availability! Also, please feel free to invite friends and family along to join!

More details to follow soon, but if you’re interested in joining us, please contact Rebs at

SG Parra Admin
Men's Summer Book Reading Catch Up Hang Out Time - Starts this Thursday!

Starting THIS Thursday 2 Jan, 7:30pm, the Men’s Summer Book Reading Catch Up Hang Out Time (aka Book Club but let’s be real…it sounds a bit girly to do a book club) will kick off at Riley’s house.

We will be going through “50 Days of Heaven” by Randy Alcorn, the book that Riley shared on Sunday during his message.

You can purchase the book for $10 by emailing Rebs and transferring the $ to the church account, they will be at the Coffee Table on Sunday.

Please email Riley to let him know you are joining.

Riley Spring
New Sovereign Grace Journal

Over the past few years we have put out a number of Journals written by Sovereign Grace Pastors for Sovereign Grace Church members. The latest journal is out now and is quite special: ‘The Books The Shaped Us’. It is a look at the key books and people that have shaped us as a family of Churches. If you are looking for something to read, a new book to buy, or an author/pastor to look to, then I highly recommend you view this journal and start with the men listed here.

There’s articles on: John Piper, Martyn Lloyd Jones, David Powlinson, John Newton, Jerry Bridges, DA Carson, and more. I wrote an entry on Charles Spurgeon.

You can read it for free online here: or you can buy it from amazon here.

Riley Spring
Ladies Wreath Night RECAP

We had a fabulous evening on Saturday, opening up our doors at Iron Street for a Women’s Wreath Night!

It was a sweet time of fellowship and wreath-making with friends and family! Ali Oliver shared a short, and yet impactful Christmas devotion, which reminded us all of what Christmas joy is founded upon: the birth of a Saviour. Our Saviour! We also had the opportunity to invite our guests to SG Parra’s Christmas Eve Service as well as next year’s Bridge Course! Please pray that God would continue to work powerfully in the hearts of the ladies through what was shared on the night.

We’re already excited for our next one!

SG Parra Admin