G2G July: Parenting through the Teen Years w/ Dave & Emma Taylor

The next G2G will be on Friday 26 July, 6-8PM! It will be held at 27 Iron Street, North Parramatta.

This will be a Parent Participation month, where we will be having Dave and Emma Taylor visiting to share their insights based on a wealth of experience around the area of discipleship and training in parenting through the teen years. You don’t want to miss out on this! So please lock the date into your calendars.

We look forward to seeing you there!

SG Parra Admin
Growth Group Men & Women THIS WEEK!

To round out the term, both men’s and women’s growth groups will be meeting simultaneously this week! Your group leader will send out details shortly.

Following this week, we will be on a two week break from Life Groups over the school holidays.

SG Parra Admin
G2G: This Friday

G2G will be on this Friday 28 June, 6-8PM! It will be held at 27 Iron Street, North Parramatta.

No parent participation is required this month.

However, for next month’s G2G (26th July), we will be having Dave and Emma Taylor visiting to share their insights based on a wealth of experience around the area of discipleship and training in parenting through the teen years. You don’t want to miss out on this! So please lock the date into your calendars.

We look forward to seeing you there!

SG Parra Admin
Important Dates: Singles' Night THIS WEEK!

This year, we’ve allocated some Saturdays throughout the year to workshop and hone in on different life stages that we may be in.

Coming up, we have:

A Singles’ Night (THIS Saturday Evening 29 June), and
A Marriage Morning (9am-12pm, Saturday 13 July)

These times together will be dedicated towards teaching and fellowship, centred around the different seasons that God has called each of us to at this present time.

Please save these dates in the calendar if you’ve yet to do so! There will be more details released closer to each event.

We’d love to see you there!

SG Parra Admin
Life Groups are On This Week

Life Groups are on this week!

Life Groups are so vital for us as a Church as they allow us to take the joy of Sunday and work out in smaller communities where we can know each other more deeply and help each other out more personally. We hope that this time together with your group blesses you!

Your LG leaders will send you all the information you need for this week.

Riley Spring
Prayer & Praise Night this Week!

There will be no Life Groups on this week as it will be replaced by our monthly Prayer & Praise night.

When: 7:30PM, Wednesday 19 June
Where: Iron St Hall (27 Iron St, North Parramatta)

We will be spending our time in worship through song and in corporate prayer. All are welcome to this event - wherever you may be in your prayer life! We look forward to seeing you there!

SG Parra Admin
Baby Dedications This Sunday

This Sunday we will be having a ‘Baby Dedication Sunday’.

We look forward to celebrating these precious children and welcoming their family and friends!

Psalm 127:3 - ‘Behold children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.’

Riley Spring
Band Training Night - Monday, 24 June

Our next Band Training Night is coming up on Monday 24 June at 7:30pm at Iron Street.

This is one of our scheduled quarterly times together where we seek to come together to sing, pray and seek to use the gifts he has given us for the sake of Jesus' name.

The night is for current team members (band and sound) and new or existing church members who are interested in potentially joining the team.

We look forward to a great night of worship, training and making music together as a team!

SG Parra Admin
Important Dates Coming Up

This year, we’ve allocated some Saturdays throughout the year to workshop and hone in on different life stages that we may be in.

Coming up, we have:

A Singles’ Night (Saturday Evening 29 June), and
A Marriage Morning (9am-12pm, Saturday 13 July)

These times together will be dedicated towards teaching and fellowship, centred around the difference seasons that God has called each of us to at this present time.

Please save these dates in the calendar if you’ve yet to do so! There will be more details released closer to each event.

We’d love to see you there!

SG Parra Admin
G2G: Friday 28 June

G2G will be on next week: Friday 28 June, 6-8PM! It will be held at 27 Iron Street, North Parramatta.

No parent participation is required this month.

However, for next month’s G2G (26th July), we will be having Dave and Emma Taylor visiting to share their insights based on a wealth of experience around the area of discipleship and training in parenting through the teen years. You don’t want to miss out on this! So please lock the date into your calendars.

We look forward to seeing you there!

SG Parra Admin