To round out the term, both men’s and women’s growth groups will be meeting simultaneously this week! Your group leader will send out details shortly.
Following this week, we will be on a two week break from Life Groups over the school holidays.
To round out the term, both men’s and women’s growth groups will be meeting simultaneously this week! Your group leader will send out details shortly.
Following this week, we will be on a two week break from Life Groups over the school holidays.
This past Sunday, we had a wonderful service celebrating the resurrection of our Saviour Jesus! Pastor Riley reminded us of the great hope we have in the Person in whom we put our faith, and the Promises that He gives (and fulfils)!
We also had the privilege of witnessing and celebrating the Baptisms of three new members: John, Annie and Helen. This was a precious time of remembering the reality that Christ has brought our dead hearts to life through His own death and resurrection!
This is just a friendly reminder that Daylight Saving Time ends this Sunday, which means our clocks will need to be set back one hour. We hope you enjoy the extra hour in the morning!
If you find yourself ready to go early on Sunday, we would love for you to join us for pre-service prayer at 9:30am! We hope to see you there!
Registrations are still open for our first SG Aus Women’s Conference! We would love it if you could sign up early so that we can get a grasp on numbers. A big thank you to everyone who has already submitted their registration!
Dates: 7:30-9:30pm, Friday 3 May & 9am-4pm, Saturday 4 May
Location: Beecroft Uniting Church (82 Beecroft Road, Beecroft)
Guest Speaker: Trish Donohue from Covenant Fellowship Church in Philadelphia
Cost: General Entry $40; Student $20 (All food and drink included)
This is an open event, so please feel free to invite friends and family along! We are so looking forward to seeing you there.
Registrations will be open until 28 April.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Life Groups are on this week!
Life Groups are so vital for us as a Church as they allow us to take the joy of Sunday and work out in smaller communities where we can know each other more deeply and help each other out more personally. We hope that this time together with your group blesses you!
Your LG leaders will send you all the information you need for this week.
Last Prayer and Praise we had nearly 40 people come, almost reaching the goal I had for 50% of our membership to attend at least one prayer and praise night! That was awesome!
Some people have asked me for the slides that were shared on the night so they can pray for these matters more regularly.
Added to the joy of celebrating our Resurrected Saviour will be celebrating the new life we have through faith in Him. Jesus, after he rose again, sent the disciples out to preach the gospel and baptise all who believe. Baptism is a sign that someone has entered into the New Covenant relationship with God through Christ and it is a seal of their faith, giving grace to them. It is only appropriate to baptize someone after they have put their faith in Christ as it is a sign of their salvation, not a hope they will one day be saved.
We will be baptizing John and Annie, who are new members of our church (although our next new members Sunday isn’t until April 14!). They will be sharing their testimonies and going under the water.
We will also be baptizing Helen too!
Please be praying for them all!
Note: this will be our first baptisms at PEPS and it will be a little different:
We will use a kiddie pool in the courtyard outside the hall.
We will do it during our singing time NOT after the sermon like usual.
We will have all children in during the first part of the service. Then during 5 minute break, Discoverers, Adventurers, and Explorers will go out to SG Kids
“11 In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, 12 having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead. 13 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.” Col 2:11-15
On Easter Thursday 28 March, we will be having our next Prayer + Praise Night @ Iron St. We will be walking our way through the Easter story in song, scripture and prayer. We will be guided by a production called ‘The Golgotha Experience’ by the band Poor Bishop Hooper. This is a production we actually put on in 2022. It was an amazing night!
You can have a taste and see of the music here:
This will be a fantastic way to prepare your heart and soul for Easter!
On Easter Thursday 28 March, we will be having our next Prayer + Praise Night @ Iron St. We will be walking our way through the Easter story in song, scripture and prayer. We will be guided by a production called ‘The Golgotha Experience’ by the band Poor Bishop Hooper. This is a production we actually put on in 2022. It was an amazing night!
You can have a taste and see of the music here:
This will be a fantastic way to prepare your heart and soul for Easter!
Easter is coming up this week and we are excited to worship the Saviour in this particular season where we reflect upon the most horrific and glorious moment in all of history: the death and resurrection of the Son of God!
Here is a brief overview of the plan so that you can get it in your diary and think about who to invite!
Prayer & Praise Night | 7:30pm, Thursday 28 March
We will be having our Prayer and Praise Night this month on Maundy Thursday. Come and join as as we reflect on and walk through Christ’s journey to the Cross. This will be held at Iron St.
Good Friday | 10am, Friday 29 March
We will be having a Good Friday service at Parra East. Kids work will be on with Conquerors (years 3-6) joining us in the service. There will be limited hospitality options, coffee provided, BYO tea!
Easter Sunday | 10am, Sunday 31 March
Our resurrection Sunday service! Conquerors (years 3-6) will also be joining us in the service this week.
We hope you can join us for these dates!