ALPHA Begins Next Week!

As announced on the last few Sundays, the next round of the Alpha Course will be beginning soon - NEXT WEEK, in fact! Alpha is a great place for unbelieving friends and family to come and ask questions and explore the Christian faith without fear of judgement.

There will be two weekly courses running starting from May 17th. One will run weekly on a Wednesday night and the other will run weekly on a Thursday night. Each course will run for a total of 6 weeks.

Please be praying for people you could invite along and that God would embolden us as a church to cross the pain line and share the Gospel with those around us who are lost.

Here is a flyer you can share with friends and family with all the info:

Sign up at

SG Parra Admin
Go Forward Fund - UPDATE!

Dear Church, 

Thank you all for how you have prayed and considered giving to this year’s ‘Go Forward Fund’. As a Church we have raised just over $62,000 to be used for good gospel work and for building up our local church here in Australia! It really is a joy to pastor such a generous church. And even those who weren’t able to give this year, thank you for considering it! May the Lord use these funds to bring great glory to His name and to His Son! 

1Tim. 6:17   As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. 18 They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, 19 thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.

— Riley

SG Parra Admin
Bob Kauflin & David Zimmer this Sunday

We’re so excited to have Bob Kauflin and David Zimmer from Sovereign Grace Music joining us for our Sunday gathering this week!

Bob and David will be leading us in singing followed by a message from Bob on what the Bible teaches us about worship through song.

To accommodate for extra guests, we will have K-2 downstairs in Kids’ Work from the beginning of service and years 3-6 will join them during the 5 minute break as usual.

Please feel free to invite friends and family along as it will be a very special time together! We look forward to worshiping with you!

SG Parra Admin
Lunch after Church this Sunday

There will be Lunch after Church this week hosted by the Seric Life Group! They are very generously providing pizza for everyone with GF options in the mix, so please stick around if you can!

SG Parra Admin
Band Training Morning Recap

On Saturday morning, both bands from Sovereign Grace Parramatta and Wahroonga had the privilege of coming together to be trained by Bob Kauflin. He and David Zimmer led us in a time of singing, followed by some teaching from Bob. A band from each church then had the opportunity to lead us in a couple of songs to which Bob and David gave some helpful feedback, highlighting evidences of grace and ways we can be growing to serve our churches better.

It was an extremely valuable time for both of our churches and we thank God for Bob and David’s wealth of wisdom they so generously shared with us.

SG Parra Admin
Gathering Around the Gospel Concert RECAP!

On Saturday evening, both of our Sovereign Grace Churches gathered along with many friends of our churches for the Gathering Around the Gospel Concert with Bob Kauflin. It was a night filled with triumphant praise, prayer and fellowship as Bob led us in worship under the common banner of the Gospel. Scripture was read, prayed and sung throughout the evening, making for a wonderful evening of exalting our great King Jesus.

SG Parra Admin
ALPHA Begins Next Week!

As announced on the last few Sundays, the next round of the Alpha Course will be beginning soon - NEXT WEEK, in fact! Alpha is a great place for unbelieving friends and family to come and ask questions and explore the Christian faith without fear of judgement.

There will be two weekly courses running starting from May 17th. One will run weekly on a Wednesday night and the other will run weekly on a Thursday night. Each course will run for a total of 6 weeks.

Please be praying for people you could invite along and that God would embolden us as a church to cross the pain line and share the Gospel with those around us who are lost.

Here is a flyer you can share with friends and family with all the info:

Sign up at

SG Parra Admin
A Night of Worship hosted by Ben Duckitt

As part of his studies with Alphacrucis College, Ben Duckitt is putting on a performance here at Sovereign Grace Parramatta, we will be having a night of worship thinking about the cross where him and a band will be leading us in singing eight of his own compositions and five songs that we sing regularly at church. Everyone in the church is invited!

When: 6pm, Sunday 21st May
Where: Iron Street Chapel, 27 Iron Street, North Parramatta

Please listen to the original songs before the event which can be found at

SG Parra Admin