New Song This Sunday!
This Sunday we will be introducing a new song, ‘Lord Have Mercy (For What We Have Done)’.
This song takes the theme from an ancient confession of sin, kyrie eleison (which means, Lord have mercy).
It’s designed to walk us through our own personal and corporate sins and confess them to the Lord, crying out for his mercy and grace upon us!
If you are wondering why we take time each Sunday to corporately confess sin (and sometimes steal prayers and ideas from the Anglican Prayerbook), it’s because:
a) the bible says to! James 5:16 ”Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”
b) it is good for our souls to be reminded that we don’t just need forgiveness once when we are converted but we need his mercy every day for all our sins
c) it is good for our souls to release the burden of our sin and not hold onto it, but instead confess it regularly
d) it is good for our church community to be a place where we all are admitting with humility that we are sinners. There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ Christians, we are all bad!
Take some time to listen to it in our playlists (add our playlists and listen to our church songs during the week so you can be more familiar with our songs!) or here
Check out the lyrics:
Verse 1
For what we have done and left undone
We fall on Your countless mercies
For sins that are known and those unknown
We call on Your name so holy
For envy and pride for closing our eyes
For scorning our very neighbor
In thought word and deed we’ve failed You our King
How deeply we need a Savior
Lord have mercy Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy on us
Lord have mercy Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy on us
Verse 2
For what You have done Your life of love
You perfectly lived we praise You
Though tempted and tried You fixed Your eyes
You finished the work God gave You
And there on the tree A King among thieves
You bled for a world’s betrayal
You loved to the end Our merciful friend
How pure and forever faithful
For hearts that are cold for seizing control
For scorning our very Maker
In thought word and deed we’ve failed You our King
How deeply we need a Savior