Discipleship Resource
I mentioned on Sunday at Envision that running than running many seminars this year on: manhood, womanhood, marriage, parenting, singleness, etc. Our hope is that we as a church, with various giftings, experience, and maturity, can disciple one another.
To that end, myself and the Wahroonga team came up with a one-stop list for all the resources that we knew of at the time that were great on 14 different topics.
You can find that file here: https://sgparra.org.au/s/Discipleship-2019.pdf
Within it is a list of instructions on how to go about starting a discipleship connection with someone at church. For example, some singles may want to meet up and read one of the books together, or you may be lacking in your knowledge of how to study the bible so you can ask someone to teach you how to study a passage, or you may want to grow in parenting and so you approach some other parents and listen to some talks and discuss them while the kids are playing together!
I’d love to know if anyone uses this list and goes about discipling one another, just so I can see if this is effective or not!
I recommend Reformers as my bookshop of choice! And if you use this link: https://reformers.com.au/?ref=ref601211f89b8a6&fpl=dl you will get 15% off!