Prophecy Team Night
As you know we are church that is seeking to put 1 Cor 11.1 into practice:
1Cor. 14:1 Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.
To that end, we are teaming up with SG Wahroonga on 9th March to have a Prophecy Team night.
What is the gift of prophecy? Prophecy is the report of a revelation brought to mind by the Holy Spirit for the good of the church to build them up. It is not equal to Scripture, but must be tested. It can come about by a variety of means (impression on the heart, dreams, vision, scripture prompting etc.).
Wahroonga already has a team established of men and women who are seeking to grow in their knowledge and use of this wonderful gift for the church and they are gathering and have invited us along.
We have not yet established any formal team as such and so the invitation is open to ALL and ANY who are interested in learning more about this gift, and seeing it being used in practice. If that is you, please come! There is no pressure to do anything on the night. I will be preaching a message and there will be singing (restrictions permitting) and some time to practice the gift in a safe and controlled place.
When: Tuesday 9th March @ 7:30pm
Where: 21/7 Sefton Road Thornleigh (you can park within the office complex or on the street)
What: Teaching, singing (hopefully!), practice
Who: anyone interested!
Why: to seek to “earnestly desire” this gift for the good of our church!
RSVP: just text or email me to let me know you are coming