Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta

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Should I Get Out Of My Pajamas?

We pray most earnestly night and day that we may see you face to face (1 Thess. 3:10).

As we go back to meeting in person there is probably a mixture of joy and dread! Joy at the thought of being with each other again under God’s word, in fellowship, etc. And dread of the effort, cost and sacrifice it takes to get up and out of the house on a sunday morning!

I found the following from a Sam Allberry article and thought it may be helpful for us all to remind ourselves and prepare ourselves for our weekly gathering! Read an except below:

  1. There’s work God can only do when we’re present

The apostle Paul wrote to his Christian friends in Thessalonica,

We pray most earnestly night and day that we may see you face to face (1 Thess. 3:10).

This is how much in-person, physical fellowship matters to Paul:

  • He prays for it. Do we pray to be able to be with our fellow-believers? Paul did.

  • He prays most earnestly. This is not a casual prayer request. He’s not checking a box. This is heartfelt. It is almost desperation. It weighs heavily on him.

  • He prays night and day. It’s not something Paul has a designated slot for every Tuesday for five minutes. He is constantly praying round the clock for this. Its never far from his mind.

Paul had papyrus. He could write. That wasn’t nothing. As we know, his writings are precious and life-changing. But for Paul this wasn’t enough. He wanted to be with them. Ministry could be done in-person that couldn’t be done remotely, even for an apostle. For him to have the opportunity to be with them, and to choose not to, would be unthinkable for him. It would be imbecilic.

2. There’s more joy

Paul was not alone in his longing. John wrote to his Christian friends,

Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete. (2 John 12)

Paper and ink weren’t that cheap. But this isn’t why John was reluctant to use it. Face to face would beat paper and ink because of the joy it would bring. When we’re apart from those God has bound us together with, a letter or email is better than nothing. A skype or Zoom meeting can be better than that. But nothing beats seeing someone physically face to face. John says it makes our joy complete –– for all of us. It is an effort, sure. It is less convenient. But it’ll do something for us that can’t be done if we don’t go. Time apart is easier. It is also deeply, often imperceptivity wearying. We were designed for physical time together with our church family. Without it a significant part of our Christian life atrophies and we gradually find ourselves depleted and debilitated without it. No one’s Christian life is improved by opting out of this sort of fellowship.

3. There’s more purpose

What’s the opposite of not going to church?

Let the writer to the Hebrews answer:

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another (Heb 10:25).

The opposite of not meeting together as church is encouraging one another. That is what happens when we gather together. It is how God has designed it to be when we’re all around.  We’ll lack encouragement if we’re not there.

And so will other people. It doesn’t just say “be encouraged” as if the encouragement was simply something for us to each sit back and receive. We’re to encourage one another. God has designed your physical presence to encourage other believers in their faith. If we choose to opt out, we miss encouragement and everyone else does too. That’s how much you matter. There is a sacred purpose to being at church Sunday by Sunday: to make sure we find and receive ways of being encouraged, and to make sure we identify and take opportunities to encourage other people.

There are people who sadly can’t come to church. For many of us lockdown was a novelty, if a somewhat wearying one. But for some it is what normal life has always been like. For the rest of us, though, as we emerge from the restrictions of Covid-19, let’s not go from being people who can’t go to church to people who won’t go to church. There’s too much to miss out on.”