Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta

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COVID-19 Update

Hey Church,

I have attached below a slightly edited version of an email i sent out Friday last week. I will be meeting with Dave and Brendan around noon today to discuss future plans and to get wisdom for going forward. I will send an email later once I have made final plans but also please be aware that the situation is changing daily! Please be praying for wisdom, love, and discernment. So glad that we have a Loving Heavenly Father who is caring for us all in this time, no matter what!



Dear Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta Family, 

In light of the recent tragic developments with the coronavirus worldwide, I wanted to write to you and let you know how we plan to walk wisely in this time.  

Amidst the fear, panic, and worry, we cannot be sure of our circumstances. But we what we can be sure of is this: Sovereign. Grace. Our God and Heavenly Father is in control (Sovereign) and is working all things together for our good (Grace)!

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

What do we do if we are worried, anxious, or fearful of the future? We turn to Him, our Sovereign God, in our worry and cast our cares upon Him:

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” 1 Pet. 5:6-7  

Therefore, may I encourage you to fill your minds with the knowledge of our Sovereign and Gracious God so that you can meet the circumstances around us with biblical perspective, solid faith, and a calm spirit. We fight fear with faith. Faith in our God who is our Rock and our Fortress (Psalm 62).

Additionally, we have the joy and privilege of modeling to others what it means to trust in God. And not just in a “she’ll be right” easy-going attitude, but with an “even if it is not alright, I’m alright, because I have Him!” attitude. This is a profound opportunity to love and care for people and direct them to our Heavenly Father. 

 We ought also to be wise in how we interact as a church community so as to love each other and our neighbours and help stop the spread. As a Core Team we are keeping up to date with the advice and policies of the relevant Governmental bodies and will follow their precautions and policies.

At this stage, there has been no ban placed on public gatherings of our size, even though some public events have been cancelled. And so we will continue to meet as a Church until wisdom, love, or policy requires us to stop. I will post updates here on the blog if any event is cancelled.

However, the following precautions will be taken for the sake of love of neighbour and wisdom: 

  • Please follow the advice and FAQ’s outlined here:, especially in relation to being in contact with anyone who has been to a high risk country. 

  • If you are sick with a cold (or any flu like symptoms), or if you or anyone in your household has been sick in the last 48 hours, please consider staying at home and enjoying our service online on Facebook.

  • Door handles, rails, and other surfaces which hands may touch will be disinfected for the Sunday morning service.

  • Please greet one another with a kind word but try to refrain from shaking hands or hugging to help limit the spread of sickness in case you may be ill but non-symptomatic. 

  • Please wash your hands often. Medical professionals are all agreed that thorough handwashing is the best defense anyone can deploy to help stop the spread of disease. 

  • We will have hand sanitizer provided at the service.

  • We will be altering how we do kids work and morning tea/coffee. 

  • We will also need to practice these measures at Life Group etc, if they do go forward.

Please be praying for our world, our nation, and our community. 

Riley Spring
Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta 
0481 999 476 |