Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta

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Ladies Coffee Morning This Term

From Maddie Spring:

Hi ladies,

With the new year well and truly here and the beginning of the school term, I thought I would give you a heads up on coffee morning for this year. It was so great to hang out with those who could make coffee morning last year (until COVID hit!) and to have a space where we could invite friends along to be with other Christian women.

Moving forward, we are going to keep doing one week at a house and the next week at a park. We will keep the day and time the same Friday 10am-12pm. Hopefully with the place sorted ahead of time it will be easier to invite people along.

A copy of the program will be uploaded onto the Whatsapp. The first week will be at our house. If you aren’t yet in the Whatsapp group just let me know and I will add you in.

So excited to see you there if you can make it. just bring something along to share for morning tea. Does not need to be extravagant by any means!!

In Christ,
Maddison Spring