We’re so glad you visited!
We’d love to see you again next week!
Here are some ways to help you get connected
Starting Point
This is a 4-week course designed to help you figure out the values and vision of Sovereign Grace Church. It’s a great place meet the pastoral team, and also ask any questions that you may have. Starting Point runs once a term, taking place before the service on Sundays, with the aim of helping you get connected with the family that is Sovereign Grace Church. We’d love to have you along!
You can find out more about Starting Point here.
Life Groups
Outside of our Sunday gatherings, Life Groups are the main thing we do. We gather in LG’s with our friends to live life together and experience the gospel in ways we simply can’t on our own. It is here that we pray together, study God’s Word, eat good food, and do life together. It is therefore here that disciples are made, care takes place, followers of Jesus deepen in holiness, and the beautiful relational life of the New Testament Church is experienced. Whether you’ve been in church for years or are just connecting in, we’d be eager to fold you in. LG’s meet in homes locally in Northmead, Baulkham Hills and Toongabbie on Wednesday & Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons.
We would love to connect with you!
Alpha Course
“Is there more to life than this?”
You may be asking this or other questions like it at this time. Alpha is a great place to explore life, faith, and meaning in a safe and enjoyable context. Each week we will watch an episode (20 minutes) and then break into small groups to ask questions and reflect on the material (20 minutes).
To find out when the next Alpha will be running, head here.
SG Kids
The laughter and noise of children is a wonderfully regular experience at Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta. One of the frequent observations from our visitors is the sheer number of kids present, and so if you do have children then it certainly won’t be long before they make friends with others their own age. At Sovereign Grace Church we believe that learning should be an engaging and fun experience. God is not boring and we don’t want our kids to think that he is, and so we have a program for all ages, that includes all the things that kids love – games, crafts, teaching, and music, all housed in a fun and informal environment. We offer classes for children from 6 months old through to 6th grade during the Sunday gathering.