Marriage Morning Materials
On Saturday we had our first ‘Marriage Morning’. It was a really helpful time for us as married couples to reflect on our marriages and in particular, our communication. Already I am hearing stories of just how important this morning was. If you missed it, or you are preparing for marriage one day, I wanted to make the materials available to you.
They are two talks given by Pastor Rob Flood from our Sovereign Grace sister church in Philly. The first talk is biblical principles for how we are to communicate and the second is a very practical and pastoral look at how to put this into practice. Most of the content is widely applicable in other spheres of life too.
Also, there are some very searching discussion questions here to help you and talk outlines.
If this brings up anything that is too hard for you to work through alone, sit down with another couple in your Life Group or one you trust and start talking about it. Additionally, if you like Pastoral Counseling please do reach out to me.
May God bless our marriages!