Life Summit: Pro-life Day, 30th November

A post by Maddison Lick

He has told you, O man, what is good; 
and what does the Lord require of you 
but you do justice, and to love kindness 
and to walk humbly with your God?’
Micah 6:8

During our last Prayer and Praise night we spent some time as a church praying for our nation and praying against abortion in our country. Currently, Australian children can be killed from conception to 22 weeks or even up to birth, depending on the state. Babies born alive after a failed abortion are not allowed to receive life-saving care and are left to die.

Opening the conversation about abortion is hard and often feels like a taboo topic. It can be difficult to know what we can do or say in our communities—especially if we work in health care—when abortion is so celebrated in our culture.

On 30 November, a pro-life day called Life Summit will be held in the CBD with the aim to equip us for these conversations and learn what we can do. This summit is being coordinated by an Australian lawyer called Joanna Howe, who has been standing up against abortion for a couple of years now. Some of you may have been following her recent fight to pass a bill in Adelaide that protects the lives of babies after 28 weeks and allows them to be put up for adoption instead of being killed. This bill lost by only 1 vote. Approximately 3,000 citizens turned up to support the bill, highlighting that many people are engaged and desire change. 

A few people have already signed up to this event, and I would like to invite you and encourage you to prayerfully consider if you can join us as we seek to become better equipped to be a voice for the voiceless. Details below. 

Date: Saturday 30 November 
Time: 9am-5pm
Price: $30 
Location: Provided closer to the date but at a hotel in the CBD

Details At this one-day conference you'll have the opportunity to hear from renowned pro-life leaders, gain practical tools to make a difference, connect with like minded individuals fighting for the unborn.

SG Parra Admin