Band Sign Up Lunch This Sunday!
The Band Sign Up Lunch will be on after service this coming Sunday!
If you are currently serving in music (including PA and Projector), please make it a priority to come along!! We want to thank you for serving His bride so faithfully the past year, but also to hear what serving in SG Music would look like in 2023.
This is also an open-invite lunch for those who are interested in exploring joining the team. Maybe you are new, or maybe you are being stirred by God to serve in this way?
We currently have needs in these particular area of serving (though all welcome!):
Singers - Male and Female (no requirement to read music, just singing!)
Bass Guitar
Acoustic Guitar
Is this you? Or is there a brother or sister you could encourage to come along (maybe you’ve heard someone singing next to you on a Sunday)?
We will spend time over lunch considering “Why do we sing?” and what it looks like to serve on the team. My hope is that we all are freshly encouraged from His Word to sing to the Lord and spurred to serve to this end in 2023!