Hello From America!

It’s been nearly three months since we sadly sent out Abi to the US for her yearlong internship at Covenant Fellowship Church in Philly and we all miss her so much! I asked Abi to give us a bit of an update on how it’s all going…so please read and enjoy!

“Hello from America!!

I just wanted to reach out and give a little update on life over here across the pond :)

Firstly - I miss being at Parra and doing life with you guys! But, in God's kindness, it has been so special to experience a Sovereign Grace Church family connection over here that I am extremely thankful for, that makes it feel like home. A lot of people have asked about SG Parra and it's been really encouraging to tell them about my home church. They think we are so cool because of our promo video at JBrewers - though the disappointment is real when I tell them that no we don't meet in a coffee/music shop anymore haha.

Secondly - I have been SO blessed and so loved by people here and I'm continually blown away by God's provision and kindness to me!!! There are so many stories already but a big answer to prayer that just happened recently is that someone has lent me their car for the whole year ... which is INSANELY generous and a huge answer to prayer! It's so cute and probably the nicest car I'll drive. I have gotten into the car on the wrong side plenty of times already and have gone around a-round-about the wrong way - haha oops - but other than that, no dramas praise God!

Thirdly: I have started serving in the Kids Ministry and Youth Ministry over here, which has been a lot of fun, a little scary at times, but I feel like I've already learnt a lot in how things are run and I look forward to continuing to grow in my knowledge and understanding of both ministry areas. I'm helping out with running a VBS in June - which ironically is based off Australia 😂 guess who gets to be the MC and the Australian character in the drama skits 🙋🙋haha! I'm honestly so excited, and I think it's going to be so much fun!! I'm also helping them with their youth camp that's in August which sounds crazy and epic, but that will also be an awesome time of serving, learning and growing.

My schedule at the moment is 2 days a week in the office but now that I have a car I'll be able to go in on extra days when needed, which will help open up other opportunities to serve and other ministries to get involved in that have come up in the past couple weeks. I'm also currently helping with things like: kids care for different seminars, youth instagram, photos, film editing, bookshop, and the extra little things you give to the Intern haha - which I actually love helping with!

God has already blessed me with some really sweet and solid friendships and peers, which has been a huge gift and encouragement to me already, so I'm thanking the Lord imminently for answering those prayers so quickly!

I have been praying for you guys and for the church! I hope your first SG Parra retreat is a blast, and just a real sweet and encouraging time together as a church! I can't wait to hear about it and hear about what the Lord!!

Oh! And lastly ... snow is beyond magical!!! My goodness, it's just spectacular and I love it!

God bless you Sovereign Grace Parramatta!

Much love and prayers”

Riley Spring