Being Involved in the Ministry of Prayer


Prayer is such a wonderful gift God has given us. We have an invitation to speak to the Lord and He promises to hear us.

We read in James 5:16 - “Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous person has great power as it is working”.

At SG Parra, we want to be a church dependent upon God, pleading and praying to our God. Prayer is an act of faith and is dependent upon faith. Faith that God hears, listens, and is able to act.

Here are some ways you can be prayed for or get involved in prayer: 

  1. If at any time you’d like prayer, please email: and this will go straight to Riley’s inbox so that he can pray for you as your Pastor.

  2. Pre Church Prayer. Join us from 9.15am for pre-service prayer, sign into our service like usual and join the break out room - Pre Service Prayer, we’d love to pray with you.

  3. Prophetic Impressions. If you believe you have received a prophetic impression from the Lord that you think could serve the church (1 Cor 14:1-4) please contact Riley or email him at to share it with him before the service.

  4. Post Church Prayer. If you would like to be prayed for, please join the Post Church Prayer breakout room, after the service. Riley and some other key leaders will be there to pray with you and for you. 

  5. Alpha Prayer. If you would like to join our Alpha Prayer team, then please set aside 30 minutes on Monday nights for the next 2-3 months from 8.15pm-8.45pm to pray. A team of us will be praying on the Alpha Zoom, you can sign up for it here (it’s the Alpha rego that guests use.)

  6. Life Group Prayer. Finally, let me commend you to pray systematically and consistently for all the members of your Life Group, taking notes during LG and GG and then praying for what people share.

Here is what we know, Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need.” 

What a incredible gift prayer is. Please consider letting us know how to pray for you, or consider joining us for prayer.

Riley Spring