Sunday Recap: Matthew 16:1-20


Listen to the sermon here.

Matthew 16:18

“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

This promise gives us unshakeable confidence and purpose as we seek to serve the Lord Jesus and His people here in Parramatta. Jeff Purswell, Director of Theology for SGC says of this passage:

“There is no pronouncement in Scripture that I know of that pulses with greater resolve or greater certainty than this one.”

Friends, as we look out upon an uncertain and ever-changing world we can know that Jesus will build and protect His church. Therefore, we can labour with confidence AND we can give ourselves fully to serving the church because labours are never in vain or futile!

What ways might God be calling you to serve His church?

Book Review:

CJ Lick helpfully reviewed a great book by veteran evangelist, Jim Wilson, ‘Taking Men Alive’. I highly recommend this book as a great tool to help you have a heart for the lost and tools to go after them.

Riley Spring