Singleness and the Sufficiency of Christ


A recent article from the latest Sovereign Grace Journal caught my attention, and I wanted to share it with you all as a church. Currently, we have a number of single men and women in our church community, and this article will help those who are single to treasure Christ more and those who aren’t to have a better understanding of this circumstance. Notably, Jason makes this profound point: “The truth is, we all started our lives single, and many of us will end our lives single . We will certainly all spend eternity without earthly marriage, fully to enjoy the one eternal marriage between Christ and the church.” Therefore, this topic is vitally important for us all.

As the Statement of Faith for Sovereign Grace Churches affirms, “Single men and women are no less able to enjoy and honor God and no less important to his purposes . They also are to give ex- pression to God’s image in distinct and complementary ways, flourishing as his image-bearers and bringing him glory in their singleness .”

Read the article here, and if you would like to chat about it, I encourage you to read it through with someone!


Some Christians view singleness as a bad thing, an unwanted gift, understanding singleness primarily through the lens of the trials it may bring or the blessings it deprives us of . The New Testament, however, presents both marriage and singleness as unique blessings and gifts from God . Yes, each brings challenges as well . Many are unhappily married or unhappily single . But God has graced each of us for the situation we are in presently .

As a single man, I’ve learned that my situation provides unique opportunities to serve Christ and display his sufficiency in my life . And I am eager for the lives of all Christians who are single to testify to the satisfaction that Christ alone can give .

Access the whole journal here:

Riley Spring