Pray For Afghanistan

As you know, situation in Afghanistan is terrible. I recently received this prayer update from Open Doors that I’d commend you to pray through:

“Right now, I am coming to you to ask for urgent prayer for our family in Afghanistan. It's hard to comprehend the magnitude of the tragedy taking place in Afghanistan, and even harder to know how to pray. What's happening? The withdrawal of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan has led to a successful advance of the Taliban. As of August 15, the Taliban has seized the capital of Afghanistan, leading to a mass exodus of Afghani's attempting to flee to neighbouring countries in search of safety from violent Islamic extremism. The Afghani president, Ashraf Ghani, had fled the country and is seeking asylum in Iran for fear of the Taliban. All Christians in Afghanistan live in secret, and the only church exists underground. Afghanistan is #2 on the World Watch List. Our persecuted family pray for us, and now is our time to pray for them. Please pray:

* For underground church members who have been living in anonymity. Underground church leaders report that they have already received threatening letters from the Taliban indicating that the radical militia know who they are and what they are doing. Pray for protection over these leaders and their families -- that God would 'make seeing eyes blind' and keep believers hidden in plain sight. Pray that they would have the boldness and resolve to proclaim the gospel, even unto death.

* For women in the country - many women will lose their rights to an education and freedom under Taliban rule. Many are forced to marry Taliban members and face extreme violence and oppression. Pray that God would comfort and rescue vulnerable women.

* For the Taliban members - pray that they would have Saul/Paul Damascus Road-like encounters with the man Jesus Christ, and that they would become passionate and zealous members of the underground church, spreading the gospel in Afghanistan. This is not uncommon - you can read a testimony of this here.

* For families who have fled to seek safety elsewhere. Pray that refugee camps would be safe places of healing and community where people encounter Jesus. Pray they find a safe place to live.

* For protection against the spread of Covid-19, specifically the rapidly spreading Delta variant.

* For world leaders and the leader of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani - that God would work through them to institute miraculous peace and stability in the nation. Feel free to share these prayer points with your church community. As the church in NSW, let's galvanise to pray for our family in Afghanistan. 'When one part suffers, all parts suffer with it.'“

Riley Spring