Noah's Short Term Mission Trip

A couple of Sunday’s ago, we got to hear from Noah about how his studies at the Bridge are going and about his short term mission trip that is coming up in Septmber!

From the 12th of September - 4th of October, Noah and the rest of his cohort at the Bridge are heading to the Northern Territory on mission. They will be going to different Aboriginal Settlements where they’ll get to learn from different missionaries, hear about their work, and preach the gospel to the un-reached people.

Their first week will be in Darwin, where they will be spending time at a Bible college to learn the language of the Aboriginal people. They will then split up into 2 groups and be travelling to different settlements where they’ll be teaching, learning and getting to share the gospel.

Noah would love your support as he prepares to go on this mission trip! He would love your support both financially, but more importantly he would love your support in prayer. Firstly, that the current covid restrictions would ease by September so that they are able to go, as well as prayer that they would be a great light for Christ over in the NT and boldly share the good news of the gospel with those they meet!

We are very excited for Noah and pray that God would bless him as he prepares to go on this missions trip!

If you are able and willing to financially support Noah’s trip, click the link below:

Abigail Chavez