This Sunday - Updated!


Hey Church, as the situation unfolds we will continue to modify our plans as and where needed. As it stands with the latest health order we have made a decision as a Core Team to brave the cold again and head outside for our service, with kids in the hall, which means we are still able to sing!

Here are the requirements:

  • Masks must be worn, even outside, at all times, unless eating or drinking.

  • Stay home if unwell

  • Continue to sign in

  • Bring your own mask if possible please

  • We will postpone morning tea

  • Dress for warmth!

You can view the current restrictions here. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Let’s come ready, expectant, and joyful!

Psalm 27:4   

One thing have I asked of the LORD,

that will I seek after:

that I may dwell in the house of the LORD

all the days of my life,

to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD

and to inquire in his temple.

Riley Spring