Our New Bank Details

bank details

Firstly, I want to take the opportunity to thank you and encourage you all for your generous and faithful giving to the Lord! It truly astounds me how the Lord is it at work amongst us in this way. It is a great sign of our health as a local church that we would be able to not only more than meet our needs but give so much away to future church plants, world mission, and global care! As the teacher says, “Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.” (Prov. 11:28). It’s such a joy to pastor a flourishing church who invests eternally!

 Secondly, this is just a quick note to let you know that as a part of the process of becoming independent of our sending church we have opened a new separate bank account. Previously, we had bank accounts within Sovereign Grace Wahroonga’s overarching account, now we have a completely separate account.

Our New Bank Details:

 Bank: Westpac

BSB: 032170

Account Number: 436436

What this means for you:


  1. Please direct all your future giving/payments to this new account and delete the old account.

  2. If you have a recurring payment set up (direct debit), please change this also.

  3. If you give via credit card, you don’t need to do anything.

  4. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me or to Jordan (jp@sgparra.org.au)

  5. Head to www.sgparra.org.au/give for more details!

In love, 

Pastor Riley



Riley Spring