Noah Chavez Studying @ The Bridge

This year Noah Chavez has decided to take a gap year and study a Diploma of Theology at The Bridge, which is run by SMBC, and we are thrilled for this opportunity the Lord has given him!

The Bridge is a Bible-centred, missions-focussed gap year that aims to give you a real taste of global mission and the needs of the world. It's a year to reflect and explore life, to have adventure and fun – and to experience the opportunity to make a difference in your life, and the lives of others!

The Bridge students will also be traveling to the Northern Territory in mid September as they seek to be on mission to the Aboriginal Australian culture, and understand the needs and opportunities for gospel ministry in these communities.

Noah says:

“What I’m most excited about by studying at the Bridge, is that I’m already constantly being reminded of how little I do not know about Gods Word, BUT it is so exciting to see all the indescribable things our God has revealed to us, by His Holy Spirit, in His word. And I am excited with all the new friends I will be making as we walk together in our learning and digging deeper into God's word!”

We are very excited for Noah and we can’t wait to see how the Lord will use him and grow him for the glory of God. Please keep Noah and the rest of the group in your prayers as he studies and prepares to go on mission later this year. Noah shared that he would love prayer that he would continue to walk humbly before the Lord as he studies God’s word, as well as trust in the Lord for the provision of finances this year.

Abigail Chavez