Thanksgiving Service 19th December

On Sunday 19th December we will be having our annual ‘Thanksgiving Sunday’. For those who are new, this is a very different style of service where we have an opportunity to share how the Lord has been at work in our lives over the past year.

It is a chance for us to look back on all the evidences of God’s grace in our lives during 2021! As Paul says,

 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thess. 5:16-18)

The way it works:

Instead of a sermon there is an open mic time for 40-45 minutes.

Please come up ready to share some ways in which God has been working in you, your life, and your family.

For example, you can share challenges, triumphs, growth in yourself, growth in others, appreciation for people in your life, lessons you’ve learned etc. 

You can share about big things or small things. Grand things or seemingly mundane things. You can share life events (babies, marriage, work) or how you’ve grown in your heart (learning new things, putting sin to death) etc. You can share about mission or mercy, or how this church or particular people have been a means of grace to you.

The key is to testify to God’s grace and goodness and to give glory to Him!

Aim for about 2-4 minutes, it can be helpful to write it out so that you don’t forget key people or moments…and so you don’t drag on forever!

Note: it doesn’t need to be an eloquent speech or amazing or inspirational, it can be very ordinary!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Riley Spring