Giving Update

Dear Church,

I am pleased to write to you that because of your generosity in giving we have been able to recently go above and beyond to bless and support a number of ministries locally and around the world! We are aware that for many it is a tough time financially and I believe we are called to share our plenty with those in need!

We have given funds to:

1) International Care Ministries Transform Project in the Philippines. In this program they partner with local churches to distribute aid, teach on hygiene and values education. The fils has been hit hard by COVID and so we wouldn’t to further support ICM this year. (we gave to them during our Go Forward Fund in March)

2) YoungLife Parramatta - this is a local youth outreach program that aims to make connections with the local youth and be the bridge to local churches. A few members have been volunteering there and its a joy to se the work they do. Watch a video from them here.

3) Campus Bible Ministry (CBM) Parramatta - This is a local campus ministry run at the University of Western Sydney. The worker, Sonny Singh, is an assistant minister at Dundas - Telopea Anglican and has heart to reach the many and varied peoples who go to UWS.

4) Sovereign Grace Churches - We were generously supported financially by our family of churches and we want to do all that we can to be a part of blessing them and helping other churches to be planted, we already give 5% of our offerings to SG but we wanted to make a special offering to thank them for all they do!

5) Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville Building Fund - This church is very near and dear to us! It is where CJ Mahaney, Jeff Purswell, and Bob Kauflin are all pastors at, it is where our family were members of for a year, and it is the church which hosts the Pastors College. They have recently set up a building fund so that they can have a lasting presence in their city and so we wanted to send them a gift to be a part of their vision! Click the link to watch their video.

Riley Spring