Friendship and Fellowship
During this time, one of the things that is hardest to know how to do is to practice biblical fellowship and hospitality. I don’t have any easy solutions to this but I read this this morning and it made me aware of just how important it is to be working on and cultivating our relationships with each other. Paul Tripp says:
“It really is true that the number one reason that relationships of all kinds go bad is neglect…Since it is a flawed person in relationship to a flawed person, you simply cannot let that relationship coast and expect that it will be OK!” (New Morning Mercies, Aug 17).
Perhaps, it may serve you in this season to think through your relationships: at home, at work, at church; and assess how they are going, if they need some attention, care, and investment; and then think through how you can best do that. It may be a Zoom chat, text message, coffee catch up, or a meal.
This season is robbing many things from us - let’s not let it rob our precious relationships too!