Sunday Recap: In It To Win It


On Sunday we had a great time worshipping and fellowshipping together, though we missed out on having the joy and crazy of all the kids being around!

We studied 1 Cor. 9:19-23 and saw that: “we need to be in the world to win the world”! Three main points: 1. The challenge of being in it to win it: over or under adapting. 2. A Model for being in it to win it: we looked at how Paul became all things to all men, that he might win some. 3. An approach to being in it to win it: we looked at Tim Keller’s three step process for communciating the gospel in plural world: a) Enter into the world (drill the hole), b) challenge the world (drop the bomb), c) Appeal to the world and call them to follow Jesus!

You can listen to the message here or watch it here

Riley Spring