Sunday Recap: Disciple the Found
What a joy it was to regather physically as a church on Sunday at JBrewers! It was awesome to have a venue and to see a number of new visitors! ! I want to say a big thank you to all who helped pull it off at such short notice! We missed all of you who couldn’t make it as well.
The sermon text was Matthew 28:18-20 and we saw that the mission of the church is to make disciples not just decisions. You can listen to it here or watch it here
We say that the it is God’s grace that he calls us to make disciples because as we follow Jesus, not only are we saved from the punishment of sin but we are now liberated to untangle the knots our sins make in our life!
In order to disciple the found we saw that it requires: 1) teaching, 2) the church, 3) the individual, 4) time, 5) Jesus!
Remember, we do not make disciples on our own, Jesus said, “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Let us go, seek the lost, preach the gospel, and then disciple the found!
Here is a link to the FB live service (though there are some technical issues)