Sunday Recap - Husbands and Wives Part 2
On Sunday we joyfully welcomed in eight new members: Mak P, Ruby K, Scott and Emma L, Bijoy and Sharon C, and John and Clare C! What a joy!
I preached on Ephesians 5:22-33 (re-listen to the message here) and unpacked what the role of a husband is, as biblically defined. We saw that husbands are called to embrace loving sacrificial headship. John piper helpfully defines headship as follows:
“Biblical headship for the husband is the divine calling to take primary responsibility for Christlike, servant-leadership, protection and provision in the home.”
True flourishing only comes when we as husbands embrace our calling and practice our duties. We are called to lead our wives and we are called to do this with love.
Sacrificial love.
Sanctifying love.
Satisfying love.
And if we do this, we will flourish and thrive. It isn’t easy, but we aren’t alone. We have the power of the Spirit to help as walk as new creatures in Christ.
Desiring God released a very helpful article that picks up on many of these themes, read it here: Headship Crowned with Thorns by Greg Morse.