Friday Prayer Points

From the SG Churches Blog:

The Bible is sufficient for all of life, at all times, even in the midst of a global pandemic. God is good to tell us what to do in tribulation, like the COVID-19 pandemic we are all walking through together. God tells us in Romans 12 to “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” (Rom. 12:12, ESV).

Being constant in prayer sounds like a good thing to do right now. Therefore, I’m asking the members and pastors of Sovereign Grace Churches to devote this Friday, April 3 to a Day of Prayer for Healthcare Professionals who are serving during the COVID-19 pandemic. These men and women are on the front lines, at the risk of their own health, to care for those who are sick. We, as a family of churches, thank God for them and the many sacrifices they are making. Here are a few ways you can join me in praying for the health care workers serving around the globe:

  • Ask God to protect them from contracting the COVID-19 virus as they care for the sick.

  • Ask God to strengthen them for the long hours they are working in hospitals and clinics.

  • Ask God to comfort them when they need to spend time separated from family and friends.

  • Ask God to provide the equipment, medicine, and supplies they need to care for those infected with the COVID-19 virus.

  • Ask God to encourage them especially during difficult and challenging days.

  • Ask God to use Christian health care workers to communicate the love of Christ to patients and co-workers looking for opportunities to share the hope of the gospel.

Thanks for being constant in prayer.


Join us at 12pm for our Zoom Prayer!

Meeting ID: 199 220 859

Riley Spring