Sunday Recap: The Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6:5-15

This Sunday we had the joy of gathering back at Tara, with almost all of our members - especially those who haven’t been able to come back in person, and we got to sing!

In the sermon, we received from Jesus a masterclass in prayer, teaching us that at the heart of prayer is to seek all of God, for all of life, for all of the world! Jesus shows us that our prayers are to be shaped first by our relationship to God, He is our Father and the King of the World - and we are his children! Next it is to be shaped by our submission and obedience to His will. Then we look to Him to provide for our physical needs (food etc) and our spiritual needs (forgiveness, protection).

A great quote from Paul Miller

“If we think we can do life on our own, we will not take prayer seriously. Our failure to pray will always feel like something else, a lack of discipline or too many obligations…You don’t need self discipline to pray continuously, you just need to be poor in spirit”

“A praying life isn’t simply a morning prayer time it is about SLIPPING into prayer at odd hour of the day, not because we are disciplined but because we are in touch with our own poverty of spirit”


Listen to the sermon here

Riley Spring