This Sunday - We Are Inside!
Hey Church!
This week we are changing from being outside to being inside (sorry kids) AND we are still allowed to sing! As always we have been following the regulations from our State and Federal Governments. And so let me outline the new guidelines on singing below:
“NSW Health strongly recommends that audience members and congregants older than 12 years old wear face masks if singing or chanting.”
* read more here:
This means that mask wearing is strongly recommended to prevent the spread of COVID but is not mandatory. Therefore, we will not be requiring you to wear a mask in order to sing but will instead leave it up to you to decide.
You are free to wear or not wear a mask based on your personal health needs, conscience, and preference. If you are uncomfortable singing inside the hall, we will open up the side/back doors to allow you to participate from the outside.
We will have a small number of masks available for visitors who are caught unawares, but if you are a member, we ask that if you’d like to wear a mask that you’d BYO.
I hope this helps and makes sense. If you have any concerns or issues, please let me know!
Some updated notes for this week:
Our service will be 10am, so please come from 9:30am.
Our service will be at Tara Junior School Hall NOT JBrewers Cafe.
Park ONLY in the bottom car park, the other church needs the other car park that is accessed from the turning circle.
Please check in with the QR Code that will be out the front (it should work this week!)
Please enter the hall on the LEFT hand doors and exit on the RIGHT hand doors, this will help to ensure we avoid congestion.
Please physical distance at all times, that means: in the line for the coffee, whilst talking etc.
Come ready to sing! we have been passive participants since our last service on March 15, so prepare your heart, warm up your vocal chords and fall in line with the Psalmist:
Psa. 95:1 Oh come, let us sing to the LORD;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
Kids will be outside again. They will be down in the bottom courtyard if the weather is good, if not they will up outside the main hall.
Invite someone! this is true every week but a change is always a good opportunity to invite again!
Can’t wait to see you all!