Update from the Serics!
Hello SG Parra,
Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts.
From Jamie:
I'm being heavily invested in by some incredible women both from the church leadership team and from our PC year. I really don't take for granted the opportunity to have such incredible input, so thank you again soo soo much for investing and releasing us to be here.
I'm starting to form some deeper connections at the CrossFit gym I'm attending, which is currently my only non-Christian contact so I would love prayer for conversation opportunities to share the Gospel, particularly as all the Christmas events are underway (already!). An aside, our family saw snow for the first time! It was very magical, there wasn’t a lot but ever so just enough to make a tiny snow man with the kids!
Joel is continuing to be diligent in his studies and it's been such a blessing for me to see him not only grow in his faithfulness, but mostly in his deep affection and love for the Lord through the academically demanding challenges of the course...It definitely feels like we're being “fueled for, Lord willing, a lifetime of ministry!” \
From Joel:
As of this week, our PC class has completed approximately a third of the course - it has paradoxically been a fast and slow experience. I'm humbled to be afforded the opportunity to sit under such wonderful teachers.
Jamie and the children are really settled in now, having established routines and rhythms. This has been a relief to me, to know that they are thriving. It's a delight to see my wife pursuing the Lord with eagerness, growing in love for HIm, pressing into the opportunities afforded throughout the year, such as women's groups, church outreach, gym evangelism, teaching and fellowship.
I've developed some wonderful friendships with like-minded men, eager to equip the saints and engage in evangelism. When we have accountability groups, it's evident that there's an openness to share and strengthen one another in the Lord. On another note, I often ride a push bike to college (at the church's building) and when I'm unable to, for a variety of reasons such as inclement weather, one of them will give me a lift. It's this sort of thing and other instances which communicate brotherly love.
It was so good to see Riley, Maddie, Richard and Louis at the Pastors' and Wives' Conference, and to hear about our church family back in Aus. I was reminded of the Lord's work in our SGParra church and through His undershepherd, Riley.