Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta

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The Bridge - Who Should You Invite?

As you’ve noticed, we’ve been promoting our upcoming Bridge Course a lot lately! This is because we want to help as many people as possible come along so they can engage with the great content of this course and make relationships with members from our church.

But who should you invite?

The secret to The Bridge is that it contains all three main elements of evangelism:

  1. Gospel proclamation

  2. Relational connection and love

  3. Corporate witness - where they see Christians loving and serving and worshipping.

The benefit of this is that it means it's got a broader appeal and each facet can affect people differently. So you can invite:

  • Someone who is brand new and is really investigating the faith

  • Someone who has a Christian/church background but hasn’t ever had saving faith

  • Someone who has lots of questions

  • Someone who is skeptical

  • Someone who is a baby Christian and needs solid answers to big questions

  • Someone who knows a lot but doesn’t know many Christians or hasn’t ever experienced true Christian community

Who could you bring to Bridge?

Want to watch a video of someone who has been to Bridge and had their life changed?