Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta

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SG Parra: Kids Spot!

"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." Deuteronomy 6:6-7

The Bible is clear that the teaching of the word of God to our children cannot be limited to a two-hour timeslot on a Sunday morning. Nor should it be reserved merely for the leaders who are rostered on each week. It is a shared duty of our church to be teaching and encouraging our children in the Word. First and foremost, it is parents who bear this responsibility. The front line of raising children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord happens around dinner tables, at bed-sides, or during daily car trips to school.

"What did you learn at kids church today?" 

I know many of us have struggled to piece together the few facts our children recall from their morning in SG Kids. We try to cryptically deduce the main idea of the story based on the remains of the craft they have brought home. It can be difficult to know how to best reinforce the biblical lesson at home.

Introducing - SG Kids Spot

Starting from last week, we began including a small graphic in the blog which outlines:

  1. The story being taught at SG Kids this Sunday.

  2. The 'Christ Connection' blurb (the main idea of the story).

  3. The current memory verse the children are working on.

It is our hope that this will help parents in their efforts to engage their children in conversations about their learning at SG Kids, to expound upon and apply that learning in their own homes, and perhaps even to prepare their child before Sunday for the story that will be taught.

If you're not a parent, I encourage you to check out the SG Kids Spot each week. It may be a handy piece of background knowledge to spark up a conversation after church with one of our children. They love chatting to the adults of our church and it would be of great benefit for them to see you take an interest in what they're learning about in kids church.

May this weekly, small, colourful square be a blessing to you as you carry out God's calling to teach His Word to the next generation.

John Carr
SG Kids Director