Sunday Recap: Oh God Come Down! (Isaiah 64)
On Sunday we had the joy of having Louis Baron preach for us on Isaiah 64
“Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake at your presence—” Isa 64:1
We saw that revival is when God comes down in order to manifest His power; to flex His almighty authority. And it has great effects firstly inside the church for christians (repentance, faith, joy, power) and then to unbelievers in the church (salvation) and then works out to other churches and the area in general!
We seek revival not to get bigger or have an epic experience, but so that God would be glorified and seen as the glorious one that He is! That His enemies would bow the knee, that His followers would truly follow, and that he would be enjoyed!
And so, as we seek revival, how should we pray? Louis gave us 5 exhortations from the passage!
Humble Prayer v.6
Headlock Prayer v.8-12
Hopeful Prayer v.3, 4, 5
Habitual Prayer v.7
Hungry Prayer v.1
It was a great morning! Let’s be crying out to God to revive us and move amongst us in a new and all the more powerful way! It will be messy and confronting…but good!