Sunday Recap: We Are A Generous Church
On Sunday we launched our 2021/22 Go Forward Fund. This fund enables us to do more than we could based on our regular offering. If you missed this announcement it is included at the start of the sermon recording for this week and you can pick up another pamphlet at church this week. We will be taking in the forms on Sunday March 7.
To help prepare our hearts for this and because we (especially me) are always in need of teaching on the topic of finances/giving I spoke this week on: Generosity from 2 Corinthians 8-9. If you missed it, head here to listen to the message.
The big question was: “Are you generous?”
The main point was: grace both motivates and makes possible generous giving.
In point 1 we studied two examples that Paul gives of generosity, the Macedonian church and the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor 8:1-9), and we saw that it was grace (not law or duty or pride or shame) that motivated them and made it possible for them to give sacrificially and generously.
In point 2, we looked at various practices and principles that Paul outlines in this chapter, namely: 1. Give Freely, 2. Give generously, 3. Give Courageously, 4. Give to God first, 5. Give as a good steward.
I hope the message helped you to be freed from selfishness and greed and empowered you to consider how you could grow in generosity.
A while ago I created a ‘Giving Worksheet’ to help people grow in their practical finances and generous giving. You can access this here:!Am0weP4m8K7QyjJfLJm5H8LbM6JT?e=en4JcH