Upcoming Preaching: The Gospel of Matthew: Jesus is King
This Sunday we continue our series on the Gospel of Matthew. We will be spending about two years going through this incredible book. You may want to go back to the start of the series and get yourself acquainted if you are new to the church, you can find all the sermons here!
Here is a great quote from JC Ryle":
“The Gospels were written to make us acquainted with Christ. The Holy Ghost has told us the story of His life and death, his sayings and doings, four times over. Four different inspired hands have drawn the picture of the Savior. His ways, His manners, His feelings, His wisdom, His grace, His patience, His love, His power are graciously unfolded to us by four different witnesses. Ought not the sheep to be familiar with the Shepherd? Ought not the patient to be familiar with the Physician? Ought not the bride to be familiar with the Bridegroom? Ought not the sinner to be familiar with the Savior? Beyond doubt it ought to be so. The gospels were written to make men familiar with Christ, and therefore I wish men to study the Gospels. Surely we cannot know this Christ too well! Surely there is not a work nor a deed, nor a day, nor a step, nor a thought in the record of His life, which ought not to be precious to us. We should labor to be familiar with every line that is written about Jesus.”