Sovereign Grace Church Parramatta

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Making the Most of our Zoom Service

It has been a gift from God to be able to still gather in such a personal and relatable way during this isolation season. Thank you all for the way you have participated by joining in each week, camera on, ready for fellowship, worship, prayer, and a message. I know it is not ideal but it is still a gift that we ought to thank God for!

I want to encourage you as the fatigue sets in, as the Zoom gets old, as the it becomes more tempting to leave things to the last minute, to multi-task, etc. etc. to:

“…consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Heb. 10;24-25)

Let’s make the most of our allotted Zoom gatherings, come ready by preparing your heart to engage joyfully and actively in singing, to come early and stay late (where possible) for the fellowship times, be praying and asking the Lord for prophetic impressions, have your video on, be prepared technologically etc. So that we can make the most of our time.

The reality is, we need these Zoom meetings but the other reality is, they are a lot harder, more draining and more distracting, so it takes more work to prepared for Zoom than a normal Sunday or LG. (You can read an interesting article about the draining affects of Zoom here). But here is what we know for sure: God will meet us as we humbly and hungrily seek Him! So pray for a fresh filling of the Spirit and step out in faith and click that ‘Join Meeting” button, and be prepared for God to move!